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Coming Soon!

New Book from Pastor John Parish!

The Elijah Factor

The Elijah Factor is a call for believers to rise up in supernatural boldness to stand against the tide of “woke” ideologies, political correctness, demonic socialism, and escalating “departures from the Faith” as Elijah withstood the prophets of Baal. The Elijah Factor gives a fresh perspective on these End Times.

The Goshen Factor

by Pastor John Parish

The Goshen Factor examines the plan of God to preserve His People in a world that is falling apart. It shows the parallels between the ancient land of Goshen during the time of Joseph, and the time of Moses, with the spiritual and financial provisions that God has ordained for His people during the present global calamity.

What people are saying about

The Goshen Factor

Pastor John Parish is a preacher’s preacher. He has a real gift of digging into the depths of scripture and pulling out nuggets most people would never find. This ability is evident in his new book, The Goshen Factor, which grabs a hold of hidden principles in the Old Testament and makes them a reality in our modern world. The revelation brought to light in The Goshen Factor will bless every Christian who is hungry for more of God!

Darlene Bishop
Solid Rock Church, Monroe OH

I first heard Pastor Parish preach in Louisville, KY in the early eighties. The message is still refreshing after all these years. I’m sure this book will have a lasting effect on every reader. The Author is a Man of the Word, and God’s Word is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Tommy Bates
Pastor of Community Family Church, Independence, KY

Riveting and life changing! “The Goshen Factor”, written by Pastor John Parish. A man who brings an amazing insight on the life of Joseph. His dreams, vision, and purpose are uniquely brought to life in this challenging book. This is a “must read” for those who desire to understand the divine implications of God’s plan to provide for His Children in a world gone mad.

Randy L. Gray
Pastor of Radiant Life Church

Coming Soon!

The Elijah Factor

Now Available

The Goshen Factor

by Pastor John Parish

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